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Orchideen bestseller

In the category bestsellers you will find the most popular orchids from the assortment.

Over the years it has become clear which orchids from our large assortment are particularly popular and are sold most frequently. Of course, this selection changes regularly. There are selected varieties and species in this category.

Special hints and tips for bestsellers

It is certainly interesting to take a look in this category. From time to time you can grab your favorite orchid for a reduced price. If plants are not in bud or flowering, we may still have a relatively large number in the greenhouses and then they can be offered a little cheaper.

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2 Item(s)

Bulbophyllum oreonastes

Bulbophyllum calyptratum var. graminifolium

  • flower season: spring - summer
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
  • Mehr Details
-30 %
Bulbophyllum eberhardtii 1

Bulbophyllum eberhardtii

  • flower season: spring - summer
  • temperature: cool - moderate (12 - 18 °C)
  • Mehr Details
-17 %

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2 Item(s)