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Now in bloom/bud

Orchideen in Blühte

Orchids which are in bloom/bud now

As soon as a stalk protrudes and announces the next flowering, patience is needed for the coming splendor. This might take a few weeks. However, dry indoor air can endanger the buds. If the humidity is below 50% or if the plant is directly attached to a radiator, it is advisable to spray the smallest buds daily with water to prevent them from drying out. If buds fall off, it is also possible that the watering is too frequent.

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32 Item(s)

Aliceara Renaissance 'White' (2 Rispen)

Aliceara Renaissance 'White' (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: winter - spring
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Beallara Eurostar

Beallara Eurostar (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Beallara Marfitch 'Howard's Dream' AM/AOS 1

Beallara Marfitch 'Howard's Dream' AM/AOS (1 Rispe)

  • flower season: summer - autumn
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Brassada Anita

Brassada Anita (1 Rispe)

  • flower season: spring - summer
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Brassia Hybride

Brassia Hybride, 1 Rispe (inkl. Übertopf)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Brassidium Mystic Maze

Brassidium Mystic Maze (1 Rispe)

  • flower season: summer
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Brassidium Shooting Star 'Black Gold'

Brassidium Shooting Star 'Black Gold' (in Blüte/Knospe)

  • flower season: autumn winter
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Burrageara Nelly Isler 'Orange' (2 Rispen)

Burrageara Nelly Isler 'Orange' (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Burrageara Nelly Isler 'Red Velvet' (2 Rispen)

Burrageara Nelly Isler 'Red Velvet' (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Burrageara Nelly Isler 'Red Velvet' (2 Rispen, inkl Übertopf & Aufbindestab)

Burrageara Nelly Isler 'Red Velvet' (2 Rispen, inkl Übertopf & Aufbindestab)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Colmanara Catathante 'Pacific Sunspots' (1 Rispe)

Colmanara Catathante 'Pacific Sunspots' (1 Rispe)

  • flower season: winter - spring
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Degamoara Purple Princess (1 Rispe)

Degamoara Purple Princess (1 Rispe)

  • flower season: summer
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Dendrobium Comet King 'Akasuki'

Dendrobium Comet King 'Akasuki' (2 Blütenstiele)

  • flower season: winter - spring
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Dendrobium Comet King Akasuki

Dendrobium Comet King 'Akasuki' (2 Stiele, inkl. Übertopf)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Dendrobium bracteosum x laevifolium

Dendrobium Hibiki (3-4 Rispen)

  • flower season: spring - summer
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Dendrobium Irene Smile

Dendrobium Irene Smile (2 Stiele)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Dendrobium Irene Smile

Dendrobium Irene Smile (2 Stiele, inkl. Übertopf)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Dendrobium Spring Dream 'Apollon' 1

Dendrobium Spring Dream 'Apollon' (2 Stiele)

  • flower season: winter - spring
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Dendrobium Hybride weiss

Dendrobium Spring Dream Apollon (2 Stiele, inkl. Übertopf)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Dendrobium Sunny Eyes (2 Rispen)

Dendrobium Sunny Eyes (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: winter - spring
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Miltassia Toscana

Miltassia Toscana (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: summer - autumn
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Miltonidium Bartley Star

Miltonidium Bartley Star (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: autumn winter
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Miltonidium Dr. Peter Komp 1

Miltonidium Dr. Peter Komp (1 Rispe)

  • flower season: autumn winter
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Multihybriden-Sortiment (in Knospe/Blüte)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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-14 %
Odontobrassia Kenneth Bivin 'Santa Barbara'

Odontobrassia Kenneth Bivin 'Santa Barbara' (1 Rispe)

  • flower season: summer - autumn
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Odontoglossum Zebra (2 Rispen)

Odontoglossum Zebra (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Oncidium Kathrin Zoch

Oncidium Kathrin Zoch (3 Rispen)

  • flower season: summer - autumn
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Oncidium Münsterland

Oncidium Münsterland (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Oncidium Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance' 2

Oncidium Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance' (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: autumn winter
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Orchideen-Überraschungs-Sortiment (3 verschiedene knospige/blühende Orchideen)

  • flower season: whole year
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
  • Mehr Details
-24 %
Wilsonara Poppy Lipstick (2 Rispen)

Wilsonara Poppy Lipstick (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: autumn winter
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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Wilsonara Rose Garden (2 Rispen)

Wilsonara Rose Garden (2 Rispen)

  • flower season: spring - summer
  • temperature: moderate (16 - 20 °C)
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32 Item(s)


Orichids in bud

The production of flowers is an event the costs the plant a lot of energy and nutrients. Too much moisture causes the roots to ache. This has a negative effect on the supply of water and nutrients, thus on the overall health of the plant and ultimately on the flowering success. But if that's not the case, location-related factors - such as ripeness of a nearby fruit bowl, solvent fumes in a newly refurbished room, or a nearby gas connection - can be a source of concern, similar to dormant flowers.

In any case, your orchid is looking forward to a nice sunny and warm location to quickly turn their buds into beautiful flowers. By the way, now is not a good time to repot them. Wait until the flowering phase is over and give it fresh substrate and more legroom in a new pot. Interesting to know: The flowering phase of an orchid has a fascinating regularity, because the oldest and most plump buds always open in front of the smaller younger at the stem tip. These take the time to fully develop while others are already open. Eventually, the bud that first flourished will wither the earliest.